Thursday, December 29, 2011

The potty training book our family LOVED - Toilet Learning by Alison Mack

Our family has reached a wonderful milestone -- our youngest son has mastered use of the potty.  It was the best Christmas present of 2011.  One of the tools, and perhaps the primary tool we used for potty training was this book, Toilet Learning, the picture book technique for children and parents, by Alison Mack.

Originally I heard about this book on a parenting forum and sought it out on  The book is divided into two sections, the front for the parents, and the back part, a picture book for parents to read to their children.  The picture book is excellent, it explains very nicely to children about using the potty and includes a lot of details that are interesting to children.... things like.... there are bathrooms almost everywhere you go...  and.... that everyone uses the bathroom.  The drawings feature a child that can be described as a boy or girl and the author recommends using the words for pee and poop that your family uses to describe them.

Happily, our third child's potty learning was the quickest and easiest of all our three kids. I don't know if we're getting better with practice, or if he's just caught on better.  But this book has been a staple for all our three kids and we loved reading a book so much more than watching a video.  Mr. Rodgers' book is also nice and we had some Elmo but this book was our favorite.  I hope your children enjoy it too.

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