Monday, October 19, 2009

Go Away Monster!

In all honesty, we don't play many board games in our house. That is kind of sad for me as a mom, because I grew up loving all board games and playing them as often as I could wrangle a willing friend or adult into playing with me. Perhaps the boys are still too young to love board games (and still working on turn-taking skills). My oldest (now almost 5!) loves Candyland. (Our three year old does not play it yet.) But one game that both our 5 and 3 year olds play is.... Go Away Monster by Gamewright.

Go Away Monster is a cute and simple game. Each player (up to four players total) chooses a game board that looks like a bedroom. There is also a small sack with game pieces that fall into two categories -- items that belong in your bedroom and... MONSTERS! If you happen to draw a monster, you get to yell GO AWAY MONSTER!!!!, and in our house, you get to toss your little monster across the room.

This has been loads of fun. The boys like picking their rooms and selecting items for their rooms in the game. The game has gotten my older son acting a little bit like a decorator, wanting to coordinate his favorite room with the best matching room accessories. The boys also enjoy all the monsters, they like the surprise of pulling a monster from the sack, and they love yelling GO AWAY MONSTER!!!

My nearly-five-year-old also at times decides that some of the monsters are nice monsters and he has chosen to invite them to stay and hang out in his nicely decorated room.

Game play moves fairly quickly, and it works with our kids' attention spans. The set packs up nicely in it's container, and it's an easy way to have a little family fun. The kids have not grown bored with it.

Go Away Monster is a simple, fun, delightful game that our family enjoys very much. I recommend it and think it's a great game to share with preschoolers.

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Lynn said...

Oh, thanks so much for the recommendation. My husband and I were huge game fans before parenthood. To our delight, our 2 year old's favorite pastime (second to reading of course!) lately is playing with our board games. I'm starting to accumulate some he can actually play, rather than just explore. I got Uno for our recent plane trip. Humorous side note: a few months ago, my son kept pointing at our shelves and shouting "damn!" I was quite concerned, and couldn't figure out where he picked it up. Did I really say that word? Often? Then I realized he was trying to say "game." lol, whew.

Karen said...

I am very impressed that your son plays Uno at age two! Thanks for your comments!