This is my first time hosting Poetry Friday, and in preparation I spent a little time reflecting on my life experiences with poetry.
At my 10 year high school reunion, I saw a former English teacher who said to me, "I remember you loved poetry," which was honestly a shock to me.... I don't remember that, although one of the many great experiences of Honors English was working through several poems in a Norton's Anthology of Poetry. I miss actually studying English, and that was ages ago.
I feel like the typical adult who has become very practical and has no time to think about poetry when shuttling a preschooler and changing diapers. This Poetry Friday is a nice break from ordinary mom life.
I wonder what my boys' poetry experiences will be like as they grow up -- hopefully they will have great English teachers and a wonderful introduction to poetry. Perhaps they will enjoy writing their own poems, appreciate well-written songs, and of course, pursue romance. Right now while they are still kids, I hope to find and share some great children's poetry with them and perhaps we can share some of the magic together.
Contributors, please share your links with Mr. Linky below. Thank you for visiting Poetry Friday!
I feel like the typical adult who has become very practical and has no time to think about poetry when shuttling a preschooler and changing diapers. This Poetry Friday is a nice break from ordinary mom life.
I wonder what my boys' poetry experiences will be like as they grow up -- hopefully they will have great English teachers and a wonderful introduction to poetry. Perhaps they will enjoy writing their own poems, appreciate well-written songs, and of course, pursue romance. Right now while they are still kids, I hope to find and share some great children's poetry with them and perhaps we can share some of the magic together.
Contributors, please share your links with Mr. Linky below. Thank you for visiting Poetry Friday!
Thanks for doing the roudup this week!
At Wild Rose Reader, I have reviews of two holiday-themed children's poetry books.
At Blue Rose Girls, I have links to reviews that I wrote for four of children's poetry books that have been nominated for a 2008 Cybils. I also have links to reviews of other poetry books I reviewed in 2008.
Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday! I still have my copy of the Norton Anthology and plan to read it (all!) to my sons as they get older :)
Thanks for hosting! Happy Friday!
Thanks for hosting, and congratulations on your newborn! Two toddler boys and a newborn, oh, my gosh, how do you have time for this? I've posted an original poem about creatures under the water over at
The Drift Record
Thanks for hosting Karen! I'm like you - an English major that has sometimes left poetry aside for chasing toddlers. The great thing is that poetry is always there to be rediscovered! I am sure your boys will be as delighted with the magic as you have been. There are so many wonderful children's poetry books around now. May you find them with delight!
I know what you mean about Poetry Friday making a mental space in a week full of toddlercare! Thanks for hosting today.
Thank you for hosting!
I'm in today with a short poem by Ted Kooser: "Selecting a Reader"
Karen, thank you for hosting today. My post is about poetry and sons, too.
It's wrestling season for my 11-year-old, so I'm sharing Arnold Adoff's poem "Wrestling the Beast" (from "Sports Pages") today.
Hi Karen!
Today I'm going a little nuts with "Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake." Thanks for hosting and have a nice weekend :)!
Thanks for hosting, I have an original free verse poem at lkdwritetime.blogspot.com
Thanks for hosting the round-up today! I have part of a lovely winter poem by Linda Kroll at my blog, plus a list of winter poetry books that top our favorites list.
a little self-indulgence: i posted wo different poems, one on each blog. i've got a bit of tom waits on one, and some wretched nonsense on the other.
thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting.
You know, your love for poetry will likely filter down to your boys, because you just won't be able to not share it with them (or, at least, you should never try not to share it with them). It's like a legacy you'll share, an inheritance you'll give them...
Thanks for hosting! I thought I'd be early today, but looks like a lot of others were ready before me!
A toast to the host with the most!
Another Karen here, another English major, another mom who has to be practical but still loves poetry. :-)
I'm in this week with a little original poem.
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting!
I'm in with an Ogden Nash poem about St Nicholas.
Thanks so much for hosting!
I have an original poem at my blog titled Frosted in Place.
Happy Friday!
Thanks again for hosting!
We have our first poetry entry at readertotz this morning: The Owl and the Pussycat. My fav!
Thanks so much for hosting, Karen! I've posted an engraving, but if you still need a hit of "words," I've also posted a poem. Kind of. It's actually an epitaph.
Thanks for hosting this week. I've posted an update on two poetry sessions at the recent NCTE convention. Lots of scoops on new and upcoming poetry books for kids!
A very late addition at http://yatyeechong.blogspot.com/
Poems by Calvin Trillin on the 2008 elections.
Thanks for hosting this week. I'm in with two poems from the President-Elect.
Found your blog today and am a SAHM myself. We have a perpetual romance with books at our home and because you're a mom who loves children's books, I thought I'd let you know about my book giveaway at my blog. Please visit www.blossombucket.blogspot.com for details. It's an awesome book! Also, you might be interested to visit my other blog www.barefootbooksmissouri.blogspot.com which provides info. on individual children's books by an indy publisher. Thanks!
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