Ten Little Ladybugs is consistently one of the boys' favorite books. Like many of our favorites, the book has a simple concept, counting down from ten ladybugs to one, with one ladybug disappearing at every page turn. (Holes in the pages allow all ten ladybugs to be viewed at the beginning.) At the end of the book, all the ladybugs are pictured together with their friends they went off with -- an assortment of animals and insects -- a duck, turtle, butterfly, etc. etc.
Why is Ten Little Ladybugs such a favorite? I love it for the colorful pictures -- the colors on each page are so pretty -- I have wished, if I had extra decorating money, to hire a painter to paint a child's room with some similar color blends and animals. My boys love it for the ladybugs, which are dimensional with plastic shells and attached to each page, and the holes they peek through -- sticking fingers in the holes during readings and playing peek a boo with fingers is a fun distraction while sitting together with this book.
I'm also impressed by the book's durability -- I'm pretty sure we bought this secondhand at a resale shop, and the boys have "read" it on their own a lot -- the binding has been bent in all kinds of ways and the pages battered but the ladybugs have held fast and the book still looks very good for all the abuse it has taken.

Ten Little Ladybugs
Why is Ten Little Ladybugs such a favorite? I love it for the colorful pictures -- the colors on each page are so pretty -- I have wished, if I had extra decorating money, to hire a painter to paint a child's room with some similar color blends and animals. My boys love it for the ladybugs, which are dimensional with plastic shells and attached to each page, and the holes they peek through -- sticking fingers in the holes during readings and playing peek a boo with fingers is a fun distraction while sitting together with this book.
I'm also impressed by the book's durability -- I'm pretty sure we bought this secondhand at a resale shop, and the boys have "read" it on their own a lot -- the binding has been bent in all kinds of ways and the pages battered but the ladybugs have held fast and the book still looks very good for all the abuse it has taken.

Ten Little Ladybugs
Love the blog!!! My boys & I also love to read....Ten Little Eggs is also a great one!
You should have an option to purchase books that you talk about through your website - on the sidebar....bet some Moms would buy thm ;)
Hi, my kids have this book too. I'm always on the hunt for great children's books and have recently discovered Bayard and their series of StoryBoxBooks, AdventureBoxBooks and DiscoveryBoxBooks (which is a special Olympic edition) They have work by acclaimed children's books illustrator Helen Oxenbury appearing in the Storybox series for September. In addition to this, they also have some great activities for rainy days: http://www.storyboxbooks.com/potatoprinting.php, http://www.adventureboxbooks.com/macaroni-picture-frames.php, http://www.discoveryboxbooks.com/skittles.php Enjoy!
I was an early childhood teacher in my pre-kids life and this was a firm favourite. Much better than some of the other similar titles I've read that don't even make sense!
the mom, thanks! I have a link to Amazon for each book but it's probably too subtle, it's the last listing at the bottom of each book description. I'll think about making this more prominent so people can have an easier time if they want to buy something. Good point!
I'm glad to know that other families love this book too. Thanks for the suggestions!
Thanks for the comment -- we have a few other counting books too and this is the one we love the best too. :)
I love your blog! I just found it by searching for "Dick and Jane" books (MY all time favorite!) and now seeing all of the great books you have listed on your sidebar...I'm definitely going to have to come back and read more.
Just wanted to comment about this one-The Ladybug Book-I bought this for my yougest daughter probably 3 or 4 years ago...when she was 3 or 4...she is now almost 8, and this is still one of her absolute favorites. She really loves this book! At least once a week, this is a book she chooses for me to read to her...like she doesn't know it by heart already! (She does know how to read by herself though...just wanted to clear that up! lol
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