Monday, November 16, 2009

What we are listening to: Junie B Jones

The boys and I trekked to the library this morning after preschool.  Library visits with three children 5 and under are interesting.  I am thankful that the librarians are easygoing about the four of us getting a little crazy in the children's section (which is open to the whole library).  The boys enjoy library visits, but baby Mark was having a little too much fun opening the audiocassette and CD cases in the audiobooks shelves.

Alek found magazines and he decided to check out one Highlights and two copies of Boys Life.  (Unfortunately he was suckered in immediately by the toy advertisements and now wants an age-inappropriate marble run for Christmas.  It's not happening.)

Getting to the point, we have been exploring audio books as something to do instead of watching TV. The boys are mildly interested.  We checked out The House at Pooh Corner a few weeks ago, and now we found Junie B Jones on tape.  Alek and I started reading a copy of Junie B Jones recently (about a farm trip) and the reading is holding his interest.  I think it's nice that Junie B is about Alek's age and she's precocious and I think he relates to that and finds it funny.

That's what we're listening to this week!

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1 comment:

Childrens books said...

Someone's run off with Junie B.'s new black furry mittens and didn't return them to the Lost and Found! So when Junie B. finds a wonderful pen, she should be allowed to keep it, too. Right?